10 October, 2012

jQuery problem with simultaneous events

I was working on some jQuery validation logic in my project when I came across this problem. When two continuous events fired from jQuery or jQuery mobile i.e. focus () and select () or blur () and click () only one event get fired and other one not. This is very annoying problem which sometime force you to scratch your head for hours and days. I was also having same problem in one of my module where blur and click are called sequentially. I am not sure that this also happen with the traditional java script or not.


I have two controls a textbox and a button A textbox has blur event and a button has click event. Now if you write something in textbox and click the button directly only blur event get fired but click event don’t. The ideal condition should be that first blur should called and then click. so now if your form has to get post on button click or some other logic written on its click

<input id="text1" type="text" />
<input id="btn" type="button" value="click" />
$("#btn").click(function() {
$("#text1").blur(function() {


Well you can say that it is not a proper solution but just a fix to achieve what is expected but this is the best what came out after hours of efforts and brain exercise. We have to capture the condition that button has been clicked, before blur event get fired. Mousedown is the best event we can use for this. so need to take a variable to set it true on button mousedown and in blur event we can check if the variable is true or not i.e. the button is also clicked or it is just a simple blur triggered in result of lost focus from text box. And there we can explicitly call the button click.

var clickwithblur = false;

$("#btn").click(function() {
}).mousedown(function() {
    clickwithblur = true;
$("#text1").blur(function() {
    if (clickwithblur) {

Working Solution

Fiddle Link


23 July, 2012

Enum types, FlagAttribute & Zero value

Enum types, FlagAttribute & Zero value:
We all know about Enums types and use them every single day. What is not that often used is to decorate the Enum type with the FlagsAttribute.
When an Enum type has the FlagsAttribute we can assign multiple values to it and thus combine multiple information into a single enum.
The enum values should be a power of two so that a bit set is achieved.
Here is a typical Enum type:
public enum OperationMode
    /// <summary>
    /// No operation mode
    /// </summary>
    None = 0,
    /// <summary>
    /// Standard operation mode
    /// </summary>
    Standard = 1,
    /// <summary>
    /// Accept bubble requests mode
    /// </summary>
    Parent = 2

In such scenario no values combination are possible. In the following scenario a default operation mode exists and combination is used:

public enum OperationMode
    /// <summary>
    /// Asynchronous operation mode
    /// </summary>
    Async = 0,
    /// <summary>
    /// Synchronous operation mode
    /// </summary>
    Sync = 1,
    /// <summary>
    /// Accept bubble requests mode
    /// </summary>
    Parent = 2

Now, it’s possible to do statements like:

public OperationMode Mode { get; set; }

/// <summary>
/// Gets a value indicating whether this instance supports request from childrens.
/// </summary>
public bool IsParent
    get { return (this.Mode & OperationMode.Parent) == OperationMode.Parent; }


switch (this.Mode)
    case OperationMode.Sync | OperationMode.Parent:

But there is something that you should never forget: Zero is the absorber element for the bitwise AND operation.

So, checking for OperationMode.Async (the Zero value) mode just like the OperationMode.Parent mode makes no sense since it will always be true:

(this.Mode & 0x0) == 0x0

Instead, inverse logic should be used: OperationMode.Async = !OperationMode.Sync

public bool IsAsync
    get { return (this.Mode & ContentManagerOperationMode.Sync) != ContentManagerOperationMode.Sync; }


public bool IsAsync
    get { return (int)this.Mode == 0; }
The above samples snippets were taken from an ASP.NET control and enabled the following markup usage:

<my:Control runat="server" Mode="Sync,Parent">

Zero value is the absorber element for the bitwise AND operation

Be very carefully when evaluating the Zero value, either evaluate the enum value as an integer or use inverse logic.

jQuery Tip #1 – Defining a Context When Using Selectors

jQuery Tip #1 – Defining a Context When Using Selectors:
I really enjoy working with jQuery and have had the opportunity to use it a lot over the years on various projects.  It’s an essential part of my “technology tool belt”. My company has also started providing new training classes on jQuery to various companies and I’ve had a lot of great questions come up about best practices, tips and tricks, when certain functions should be used over other functions, and more.
I decided to put together a series of posts that highlight simple tips and tricks that I’ve used in jQuery applications over the years to provide some guidance to developers new to jQuery and provide answers to different questions I’ve been asked. In this first post I’ll cover an oldie but goodie tip – defining a context when using selectors. It’s something I struggled with when I first started using jQuery but once I found the secret (which is quite easy) it changed how I used selectors and how I used CSS classes in my HTML.

Defining a Context when using Selectors

Selectors are an essential part of jQuery that provide a great way to locate nodes in the DOM quickly and easily. For example, the following selector can be used to find all div elements with a class of panel on them in a page:

var panelDivs = $('div.panel'); 

Selectors are well documented at http://api.jquery.com/category/selectors so I won't rehash what they are or how to use them here. However, I do want to mention one simple yet powerful tip that many people new to jQuery will find useful. It's one of the tips that I've ended up using over and over as I build applications. To demonstrate the technique let’s walk through a simple example.

Selectors can be used in the following way to find all elements with a class of panel on them:

var panels = $('.panel');

However, what if you want to grab all elements with a panel class that are children of a given parent container element? To better understand the scenario, consider the following HTML:

<div id="emailContainer">
    <div class="panel">
    <div class="panel">
<div id="ordersContainer">
    <div class="panel">
    <div class="panel">

Assume that you already have a reference to the emailContainer div stored in a variable named emailDiv:

var emailDiv = $('#emailContainer');

How do you find all div elements with a panel class on them within the emailDiv element as opposed to finding every one within the page? One technique is to use the jQuery find() function:

var panels = emailDiv.find('div.panel');

You can alternatively supply a context object to the selector as shown next. This is the technique I normally use mainly because it’s something I’ve used for quite awhile (and old habits are hard to break).

var panels = $('div.panel', emailDiv);

Which way is the best? It depends on who you talk to although you can check out some live performance tests at http://jsperf.com/jquery-find-vs-context-sel that infer that find() has a slight performance advantage. Regardless, knowing how to supply a context when using selectors is a great technique to understand and useful in many different scenarios.

My development team has been using this technique a lot in an application that has several panels with a consistent set of CSS classes defined on elements within each panel. We’re using a plugin that we need to dynamically re-size as the panel changes size and created a function called refreshPanel() that accepts the panel to refresh. The object passed in to the function is used as the context for several selectors (it’s a jQuery object) to identify a starting point for searching elements with specific CSS classes. Here’s a section of a JavaScript file that defines refreshPanel().

refreshPanel = function (panel) {
    var padding = 5;
    //Handle height
    if (panelHeight == null) {
        toolbarH = $('.toolBar', panel).height();
        tableHeadH = $('.clientDataTable', panel).height();
        maxHeight = $(window).height();
        panelHeight = (maxHeight / panels.length) - toolbarH - (tableHeadH * 2);
    //Grab panel's current height
    var h = panel.height() - toolbarH - (tableHeadH * 2);
    //If panel's height is greater than the original panelHeight assigned in "if"
 above then they're maximizing
    var newHeight = (h > panelHeight) ? maxHeight - toolbarH - (tableHeadH * 2) : panelHeight;

    var w = panel.width();
    $('div.dataTables_scrollBody', panel).height(newHeight - padding).width(w);
    $('.dataTables_scrollHeadInner, table.clientDataTable', panel).width(w);

Notice that the panel object is used throughout as the selector context which allows the function to be re-used over and over for multiple panels. We use this technique in several places which allows us to consistently use the same CSS classes over and over within a given panel.

“Time-Saving VS11 and ASP.NET 4.5 Features You Shouldn’t Miss” ebook by Telerik

“Time-Saving VS11 and ASP.NET 4.5 Features You Shouldn’t Miss” ebook by Telerik:

Here is a nice opportunity offered by Telerik:
They have created this amazing new ebook that you can download for free.
More than that, you don’t even need to register to download the pdf, so it is free free!

What’s inside ?
  • Intellisense help you discover JS and CSS features
  • WAI Aria makes the web usable by all
  • HTML5 and CSS3 are available out of the box
  • WebAPI exposes data via HTTP service
  • Strongly Typed Data Binding ensures runtime confidence
  • Request Validation prevents yellow screens of death
  • Page Inspector puts an end to layout headaches
Download it here:
Free E-book: Time-Saving VS11 and ASP.NET 4.5 Features You Shouldn’t Miss

I strongly recommend this reading, you will not loose your time and will learn something new for sure!